“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
Be good. That’s the bottom line. Be good. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, the color of your skin, your gender, the size of your bank account, your job, your political affiliation (or non political affiliation), your nationality…none of this has any bearing on just being a good person.
Relationships are what this world is based upon and it is those relationships that will help you grow, succeed and love more deeply. They will be there to rely on in times of need and to help when others need your help. I feel that good friends are the true gold in this world.
“When life has not treated you with kindness doing the right thing can be hard.”
What do you do in the face of challenges? How do you react? Perhaps if we met anger with love, hatred with compassion and sorrow with hope we might just make the world a better place even if for an instance.
Rise above.