You can make money with your art even in the hard times.
Read MoreThis is the title of a book written by His Holiness The Dali Lama (pictured above). What I love about this book is its simplistic approach to being happy. Click the image above to grab a copy. Yes, we face challenges and obstacles and all sorts of crazy things in
Read MoreHow often do you focus on what happened yesterday? “Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.” – Gautama Buddha Are you holding onto things in the past and allowing them to influence your decisions of today? Learning from the past is
Read MoreThe Holidays have always been a special time for me. No matter where I was in the world I would always, always make it back home for Christmas. Family has always been of vital importance to me and even though we have had a challenging year in 2020 one silver
Read MorePerhaps because I’ve spend my career in the theatre I’ve never looked at working on the weekends as anything other than normal. Theatrical performers work 6 days a week 365 days year (one day off a week) with one week off every 6 months (should you wish to take that
Read MoreNothing I love better than the spirit of the Holidays. For some reason, no matter the situation, even now as we face the Covid sitaution, people are coming together (albeit virtually) to share in the warmth of the Holidays. Since 2008 I have been presenting an annual Holiday concert and
Read MoreHow many ideas do you have? How many multi-million dollar ideas do you have sitting in your head, spoken to a friend about, planned to do…but in the end did nothing so they just sit there waiting for you to make them happen? I’ve got plenty myself. Tons of ideas
Read MoreRemember one crucial thing:The past is the past. Yesterday no longer exists. Today is the reality of you. So if you hit a barrier yesterday look at today and start again. Getting up after a fall is the test of your inner fortitude. Succeeding in the face of adversity is
Read MoreIt’s the first day of Spring and we found ourselves in a small snow storm here in the east. Everyone around us was certain that the bad weather was behind us and the warm temperatures had arrived. But things don’t always work as as we plan. This parallels our lives. We
Read MoreWhat gets you motivated in your life everyday? I’ve read a ton of motivational books, I attend seminars and I take part in online course work that helps me focus on my goals and achieving them. I think it’s important for everyone to have some sort of external motivation outside
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